Alzheimer's Independence Mon, 18 Sep 2023 15:18:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Alzheimer's Independence 32 32 Elementor #2170 Wed, 15 Mar 2023 04:23:13 +0000

Enjoy seamless, secure WiFi throughout your entire home.

Say goodbye to dead zones between rooms and hallways. With The Fix it Guy, you get uninterrupted internet for a seamless online experience. 

We get to the root of your internet issues to resolve those frustrating devices that refuse to cooperate with the rest of your smart home system!

Get reliable and secure internet coverage for your entire property – from the front yard to the back, and even the guest house.

Uninterrupted Internet Throughout Your Home.

With The Fix it Guy’s modifications, get secure and fast internet access throughout your entire home, including the front yard, back yard and guest house. Enjoy seamless connectivity with our whole-house WiFi made incredibly reliable. Here is a screenshot of a clients home using the UniFi devices to ensure complete coverage of their property.

Keep your smart devices secure.

With The Fix it Guy, you get fast and secure internet that protects all of your smart devices as shown in the illustration below. Keep your data safe and your peace of mind intact with uninterrupted protection throughout your entire home.

Enjoy seamless, secure WiFi throughout your entire home.

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Is your internet ready for working remotely? Tue, 03 Jan 2023 21:41:01 +0000 How to prepare for working remotely.

With triple threat of COVID-19, the Flu, and RSV running rampant, for employers, social distancing and alternative ways to prevent getting infected with these and other harmful viruses, working remotely is the perfect environment to get your work done all in the comfort of your home.

Now more than ever with the stay at home quarantine, our children are requiring to check-in with their teachers to study on-line with their smart devices, iPads, and laptops. So having a reliable WiFi is critical to their advancement in their academics.

But is your home WiFi network fast enough to handle the demand of downloading large files and send them back without any hiccups?

If not, The Fix it Guy specializes in creating a proper blanket of reliable WiFi coverage in the areas that you use the internet to stay connected with Co-workers, Clients, and Family while working remotely.

We set markers, that will push your internet speeds to whatever your device can handle. You see, if we are going to push a piece of machinery/network to the limit of creating the perfect WiFi experience you’ve ever had, and expect it to hold up, one has to have some sense of what makes it tick, and where that limit is. That is why we can deliver the speeds we are displaying here today.

We are here to help with that and any other issues in setting up, or upgrading you new home office to working remotely. Call today at 858-764-2648 to schedule a complimentary appointment.
As part of the team of essential services that are allowed to make service calls, Rancho Santa Fe Home Theater is there for you.

If You Are Working Remotely For The First Time, Here Is Some Advice.

This article from Inc. Magazine covers the essentials of Staying Productive, Maintaining Communication and Connection, and Taking Care Of Yourself. I hope this helps you in these ever changing times. Let’s not forget that we are all in this together.

Best Buy Stops In-Home Installations, Remote Working Is The New Office.

To make matters worse, Cox has stopped scheduling new installations of their cable boxes and delivering do-it-yourself internet set-ups to clients that just moved into your new home. If you’re one of those clients, we are here to help you to streamline the chaos during these challenging times so that you can work remotely with minimal interruptions.

Again, we are here for you today, tomorrow and for years to come, being there as your one stop shopping experience. So why not pick up the phone and give us a call today, or shoot us a text message to schedule a complimentary estimate.

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Free Google Home Black Friday Special Tue, 03 Jan 2023 21:39:42 +0000 Would you like a FREE google home hub?

This Black Friday has been crazy with our customers excited about the new Video version of this google home hub.

google home hub image

If you book and appointment with us and purchase any of the following packages:

  • Get your WiFi upgraded to the new Gigablast standard
  • One of our signature distributed music systems
  • A 4k upgrade to your existing home entertainment system
  • A complete home theater system
  • Simplified remote control system
  • Lighting controls system

We will install and program the newest video version of this hub like the one you see in this picture for FREE.

Want to see what google home hub can do?

Now that you have had a glimpse of what the new video Google home hub can do, what are you waiting for. pick up the phone and give us a call to schedule a complimentary appointment through our Facebook page.

DFast wifi speed image

Did you know that now the foundation of our smart devices like your smartphones, tablets, and now streaming video devices require a fast internet connection? Most 4k devices require a minimum of 25Mps download speed per device. So if you have 4 devices in the house the recommended speed should be 100Mps.

If you WiFi is reaching the 3 year mark, it is time for an upgrade. Book an appointment today so that we can show you an economical solution to end the frustration of slow internet streaming.

You have nothing to lose, except slow internet speeds that are keeping you and your family members from your favorite binge watching shows.

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4k home theater systems are here. Are you ready? Tue, 03 Jan 2023 21:38:11 +0000 Is your system ready for the 4k home theater entertainment revolution?

If not, then you have come the right place to assist you with the right stuff you need to upgrade to the 4k home theater system. But you are asking yourself why? Here is why.

With the recent announcement of the new Apple TV 4k displaying the latest resolution known as HDR that enables your flat screen brighter, more colorful content that is 4 times better than what you are watching in high definition right now.

I bet you are asking, what is 4k HDR?

Without sounding to techie, simply put it is a wider range of color and contrast that what the broadcasters are displaying on your flat screen, or movie projector.

The 4k HDR which stands for High Dynamic Range gives you a dramatic jump from the darkest shadows to the extreme brightest picture performance of your TV.

One more little nugget, the new 5th generation apple TV, includes a new format called Dolby vision. In a nutshell what it does is that it will enhance the quality of your viewing pleasure greater than HDR.

Okay, enough of that stuff, lets get to the good stuff of why you came here.


What about Roku 4k?

To give you an alternative device, if you are not a part of the Apple camp, Roku has been spanking the pants off of Apple by offering their version of 4k with the Roku Ultra.

Their device has all the bells and whistles that the Apple TV took 3 years to realize and get up to speed of what they were missing.

That is why Roku has a greater presence than the Apple TV 3rd and 4th generation devices. Roku silently came in and gave the people what they wanted.

We are not here to make a big fuss about what device you should use, all we are trying to do is to inform you of the different options that are now mainstream. Both devices are now on the same playing field, it is just a matter of which camp you want to invest in.

Sorry to bring up a sore subject but, one thing I do have to mention is that the 4k movies on Roku do cost more and that has been their monopoly until now. OUCH! 

But let’s look on the bright side, Youtube has been giving you the greatest ESPN highlights of your favorite sports shows for free. Hope that takes some of sting out. Let’s not get distracted and I will change the subject of why we are here.

So what’s the deal with the different HDMI cables?

Once again, without getting too high tech, here it is. If you installed an HDMI cable 5 years ago chances are you are going to run into issues with the new format we have been talking about in this article. The current HDMI format that is specifically designed for the 4K revolution is 2.0

Most of you have HDMI cables from the 1.3 or 1.4 generation. I hate to bring this up, but if your contractor, or electrician installed your flat screen, or pre-wired your home there is a very good chance that he did not plan for the future. How so you may ask? Good question. Very few of them provided you with a way to pull the old HDMI cable out and replacing it with the new standard.

Now what? Here’s what! You pick up the phone and give us a call, or for faster service- shoot us a text message at 858-764-2648 to schedule an appointment to let us upgrade and resolve your current system issues, before they become a nightmare when you decide to call our competitors and sell you their overpriced cables and other unmentionable systems that we have been de-constructing for years.

Okay, so where is this 4k content going to come from?

Well….  Netflix and Amazon video has began to stream your favorite movies and other content in 4k. I forgot to mention that after years of going back and forth, Apple and Amazon kissed and made up. Now the new Apple TV 4k has for the first time, an Amazon Video app. One more app is Youtube that will be pushing more and more 4k content along with ESPN that will be streaming your favorite sports channels.

Lets not forget that the cost of 4k flat screens is daily coming down in price. One more nugget I forgot to mention. If you purchased an HD movie on your iTunes account, they are now going to upgrade that movie at no additional cost to you in 4k.

What is the next step?

We have only scratched the surface of the other components that will complete the new format, so do yourself a favor and give us a try by contacting us at 858-764-2648 to help you upgrade, or build the right 4k home theater system that will have the ability to get to the next level of 8k or even 16k that we have been testing in Japan for the past year. But let us not get ahead of ourselves.

Your neighbors have entrusted us for the past 18 years with their new construction and remodel projects. Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon here at Rancho Santa Fe home Theater.

Here is our bottom line! If you need instructions, we have failed at doing what we do best.


We offer the following services and products, if you just want to make ONE PHONE CALL

4k deployment specialist

Best home theater installation

Retrofit specialist in existing homes

New construction design

Remodel requiring experts

TV mounting

automated home theatre chairs

home entertainment furniture

theater design

space planning for your home

Sound bar systems

lighting design

lighting automation

distributed music systems

programming of your universal remote controls

calibration of your speakers

in-room and in-wall speaker installation

waterproof outdoor speaker installation

Wireless speakers

Bluetooth subwoofer

computer network design

Wi-Fi network installation

and much more…..

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Internet of things causing you Grief? Tue, 03 Jan 2023 21:36:07 +0000 So you decided to try the new Internet of things also known as Alexa to help in how to train your Pandora, or tame your Spotify account to play your favorite playlist. But now you find out that it can do more than that. Alexa Let us take a step back and ask the question, what is the Internet of Things,  or IoT for those of you that love acronyms. Simply put, it is any device that has an ON and and OFF switch that can now be part of the internet. For example, your smart TV,  light switches, alarm panel, garage door opener, coffee pot and the list goes on and on.

Now that the internet is streaming everything is possible through your smartphone, and smart tablets you now have control just an app away. And with the expansion of seamless WiFi available, this is the perfect storm for the Internet of Things to blossom and become part of your every day routine.

Having problems with your Internet of things a.k.a Alexa or Google Home?

google homeWhen Alexa and her evil counterpart Google home work as intended, they are amazing with the things they can do for you without having to handle your smartphone, or tablet. All can be accomplished by simply speaking to them. That is when the Internet of things are working harmoniously turning on your lights, changing your favorite music and setting the right temperature.

Got WiFi connectivity issues?

But what happens when you discover that your Wireless router that you have stashed in your office doesn’t reach all of the devices that were intended to work with Alexa or Google home? According to Cnet who is a reputable company that reviews all consumer electronics gave the following advice. First reset your (Iot) device, then your modem and finally the router. If that does not work then relocate your wireless router to a central location in the house.

That is all fine and dandy if you are tech savvy and live in a condo, or guest house. But most of us live in modest homes that exceed the range of your wireless router. Most homes we work on range from 1,500 to 25,000 square feet with 2 or 3 stories. The poor router from Cox or Time Warner (Spectrum)  doesn’t stand a chance

Look at this picture! You can see the possibilities of how many devices can actually reside and be dependent on your WiFi to communicate and be controlled by the different Internet of things that were once just dummy devices. Not to mention, this is only one room!

The unfortunate thing that the companies don’t tell you when you buy into the Internet of things is that they all do not play well together. The reason is that certain companies only want you to use only their smart devices.

In addition, each device is competing with each other for the attention of your WiFi speed. Especially those cameras that are streaming directly to your smartphone, or tablet.

What is the solution for your (Iot) Internet of things?

Google home can throw that favorite Youtube videos on your flat screen wirelessly, or turn on your pretty lights and fancy thermostats with a touch of a button. So the answer to all your WiFi and internet issues is simple.

You pick up the phone, shoot us a text message at 858-764-2648 to schedule an appointment using the BOOK NOW button TODAY   to schedule a complimentary appointment to see how we will be able to seamlessly and effectively cover your entire house with a reliable wireless system.

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Best home cinema system Tue, 03 Jan 2023 21:28:20 +0000

What is the best home cinema system for your budget?

Disney Projector imageSince no two home cinema systems are alike, we get this question asked everyday. It is very similiar to a fingerprint. Believe it or not, every day we have phone calls of your neighbors that are in the remodeling process, or are diving into their first new construction home of your dreams that involves a home cinema, or private home theater.

As one of San Diego’s home theater installation companies that cater to a one stop shopping experience, you can rest assured we have a home cinema and the right home audio equipment to fit every budget imagineable.

So to answer your question about the budget, you think about how many people you plan on seating in the room, a good plan that seamlessly blends with the decor, and a long term relationship, is the best start so that it is tailored to your budget, small or large. A home theater installation can be done in modular stages so that it doesn’t break your budget.

So how can I future proof my home cinema?

elegant-home-cinema-projectorWhat it really boils down to when you are investing your hard earned money into a home cinema, or home theatre is the planning for the future so that it is seamless to pull out the old technology, and install the next generation widget that everyone is clammering for.

That is why for that past 18 years, we established relationships in the cedros design district part of Solana Beach with our current clientele, now fast forward to today Rancho Santa Fe Home theater has been on the fore front of ensuring that our clientele has that capability and much, much more.

Why is Rancho Santa Fe Home Theater Installations different from the contractors guy?

Pre-wire nightmareFirst and foremost, we are not going to leave you with a mess of spagetti wiring like the contractors guy. We exclusively work directly with your the homeowner.

This has always been the most successful way of avoiding any finger pointing of who’s responsibities was to do this, or that during your home theater installation process.

Second, we are a one stop shopping experience which means that you will only need to make one phone call to take care of everything you can imagine. That is something we learned many years ago being in the cedros design district.

pre-wiring solutionFor those of you that have already experienced what the other trades leave behind at the end of a remodel, or new construction process, we specialize in finishing what we started and walk you through the entire process from start to finish with the sometimes overwhelming journey of last minute changes.

Third, we specialize in the last 1 percent of making sure that everything works as it should. If it has a wire attached to it, you can bet your bottom dollar, that it is part of our repitoire. We have more goodies to tell you about when we return from the 2023 CES show this January. So stay tuned.

Last of all, what really sets our home theater installation apart from any other company out there is simplicity. When you have invested all this money, the last you need is headaches and phone calls from your family members asking how to watch a movie without going through hoops. If you have to press more than one button on your remote control, it is too complicated in our book. Ask us about our baby boomer discount.

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So what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone today at 1 858-764-2648 or shoot us a text to see how we can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars compared to the contractors guy. You’ll be glad you did!

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Home Network installation San Diego Tue, 03 Jan 2023 21:22:41 +0000

Can a home wifi network installation make a difference in your life?

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A good quality soundbar may be the best investment you have ever spent. But you may ask why? As televisions have been getting thinner, and thinner, the question keeps popping up about why the sound quality is so poor? The answer is simple, flat screens are exactly what they are! Flat screens are monitors, period…. That is why you have to have a soundbar included in your home stereo systems, or home theater system.

Sound Bar and Flat screen enclosed inside a frame

So the question about how to choose a soundbar is becoming more and more of a mystery. Fortunately, we have been installing the best soundbars that match the room, as well as the flat screen perfectly.

With so many choices, what is the right sound bar?

Curved flat screen imageMany of our clients having been asking us about the Costco Vizio sound bar, the Samsung  sound bar, the lg sound bar, the yamaha soundbar and even the pioneer soundbar. As one of the top authorities of the best tv sound bar installation company, we have meticulously scanned through soundbar reviews from home theater magazine and other sources like attending the Consumer electronics Show and CEDIA to find you the best sound bar that will work for your home. We carry all of the soundbars mentioned above. In addition, we have a custom soundbar made by Artison that primarily sets the speakers at the right and left of the flat screen. Within them is the 3 primary speakers channels, known as the Right, the Left and most importantly, the Center speaker so that you can clearly hear the dialogue from your home sound system. Each of the different models we have customized is tailored specifically to the TV soundbarflat screen. Which includes the exact finish of the bezel and the exact height of the flat screen, For those of you that have width limitations, we also have one of the best home theater sound bar as well. The company known as Leon Speakers also carries a variety of sizes, and budgets that match the bezel finish and width of the flat screen. In other words, the soundbar looks like it came from the flat screen factory. We now have a new modular type of sound bar that can hide your mini cable box, along with the Roku, or apple TV and the mini amplifier that creates the perfect sound bar.  Here is a picture of what it looks like without the black mesh.

Modular sound bar options


For more information on how we can build you a custom sound bar like this, please give us a call at 858-764-2648 or for faster response you can text us as well.

I just bought a curved television, what now?

Curved soundbar

Yes, lets not forget about our up and coming curved televisions. These sexy screens are now all the rage of the up and coming 4k revolution. The curved screen is something that brings the wow factor to any room. Especially if you are looking for that one of a kind look. Curved soundbarIn addition, you can now add a curved soundbar to match the 55-inch and the 65-inch TV’s. Samsung just announced the sale of it to South Korea just a few days ago, as well as Australia. So here in the U.S. we should be seeing this very soon.


What about surround sound?

Both of these companies also carry the perfect, timber matched surround speakers and subwoofers that complete the system into a true theater experience. Since the soundbars are sealed, we also have one more trick up our sleeves. We can install these speakers in the wall to give you a more recessed finish as well. This will give you more flexibility, if for some reason, there is a weight limitation on the mount.  

For more information about the different choices and a complimentary quote on how to choose the right soundbar for your new flat screen, or curved sexy television, call today at 858-764-2648 or send us a text message, to see and hear what a difference the right soundbar can do for your home entertainment system.
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Tivo is back in town. Tue, 03 Jan 2023 21:19:52 +0000 Tivo is better than ever.TiVo_logo

Are you sick and tired of paying the cable company just for the privledge of being able to record your favorite TV shows on their DVR? Tivo might be the answer.

Then you find out that you cannot keep the shows that you want becuase your rented DVR does not have enough storage space? That is not the case with Tivo.

What made Tivo a good choice?

In the old days there was a thing called a VCR that gave your the freedom to record your favorite shoes and be able to play them back on your schedule. Then cam a wonderful invention. It’s called Tivo.

Now the new invention gave you the flexibility of programming your favorite shoes and the freedom of not having to pay the cable company a hefty monthly fee for their Contour system.

So what can Tivo Bolt do for me? Well how about cliping those commercials from 4k! Can your DVR do this?

tivo_roamio_proTivo is back and with one hell of an attitude. And he brought his kids for the ride. To start with, just  like the cable companies like Time warner and cox are rolling out their version of a main DVR that retains all of the shows you want to record with a limited storage space. Then there are wireless satellite boxes that go in the spare bedrooms. The premise is to give you the flexibility to continue watching your favorite shows in those rooms as. Keep in mind that you are being charged for each box.

tivo_miniSo Tivo now has a system that becomes the hub of your favorite shows and has the Tivo mini devices that are installed in different rooms of your home wirelessly.

For more information about how you can save hundreds of dollars on your cable and internet bill, give us a call today or shoot us a text message at 1 (858) 764-2648 to set up a complimentary consultation to cut off those expensive monthly rental fees today.

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San Diego Home Theater Tue, 03 Jan 2023 21:14:22 +0000

San Diego Home Theater review

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A good quality soundbar may be the best investment you have ever spent. But you may ask why? As televisions have been getting thinner, and thinner, the question keeps popping up about why the sound quality is so poor? The answer is simple, flat screens are exactly what they are! Flat screens are monitors, period…. That is why you have to have a soundbar included in your home stereo systems, or home theater system.

Sound Bar and Flat screen enclosed inside a frame

So the question about how to choose a soundbar is becoming more and more of a mystery. Fortunately, we have been installing the best soundbars that match the room, as well as the flat screen perfectly.

With so many choices, what is the right sound bar?

Curved flat screen imageMany of our clients having been asking us about the Costco Vizio sound bar, the Samsung  sound bar, the lg sound bar, the yamaha soundbar and even the pioneer soundbar. As one of the top authorities of the best tv sound bar installation company, we have meticulously scanned through soundbar reviews from home theater magazine and other sources like attending the Consumer electronics Show and CEDIA to find you the best sound bar that will work for your home. We carry all of the soundbars mentioned above. In addition, we have a custom soundbar made by Artison that primarily sets the speakers at the right and left of the flat screen. Within them is the 3 primary speakers channels, known as the Right, the Left and most importantly, the Center speaker so that you can clearly hear the dialogue from your home sound system. Each of the different models we have customized is tailored specifically to the TV soundbarflat screen. Which includes the exact finish of the bezel and the exact height of the flat screen, For those of you that have width limitations, we also have one of the best home theater sound bar as well. The company known as Leon Speakers also carries a variety of sizes, and budgets that match the bezel finish and width of the flat screen. In other words, the soundbar looks like it came from the flat screen factory. We now have a new modular type of sound bar that can hide your mini cable box, along with the Roku, or apple TV and the mini amplifier that creates the perfect sound bar.  Here is a picture of what it looks like without the black mesh.

Modular sound bar options


For more information on how we can build you a custom sound bar like this, please give us a call at 858-764-2648 or for faster response you can text us as well.

I just bought a curved television, what now?

Curved soundbar

Yes, lets not forget about our up and coming curved televisions. These sexy screens are now all the rage of the up and coming 4k revolution. The curved screen is something that brings the wow factor to any room. Especially if you are looking for that one of a kind look. Curved soundbarIn addition, you can now add a curved soundbar to match the 55-inch and the 65-inch TV’s. Samsung just announced the sale of it to South Korea just a few days ago, as well as Australia. So here in the U.S. we should be seeing this very soon.


What about surround sound?

Both of these companies also carry the perfect, timber matched surround speakers and subwoofers that complete the system into a true theater experience. Since the soundbars are sealed, we also have one more trick up our sleeves. We can install these speakers in the wall to give you a more recessed finish as well. This will give you more flexibility, if for some reason, there is a weight limitation on the mount.  

For more information about the different choices and a complimentary quote on how to choose the right soundbar for your new flat screen, or curved sexy television, call today at 858-764-2648 or send us a text message, to see and hear what a difference the right soundbar can do for your home entertainment system.
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Looking For The Best TV Mounting & Installation In San Diego? Tue, 03 Jan 2023 21:12:30 +0000 ​Our TV Mounting & Installation In San Diego is second to none?

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and we take this statement very seriously when it comes to your TV installation needs.

Do you need a hand in getting that flat screen TV mounted on the wall? You have come to the right place. As you have experienced that the investment in the TV if you purchased it at Best Buy, Amazon or Costco is just the beginning of your investment in your family home theater experience. Then comes choosing the right TV wall bracket for the optimum viewing angle. When choosing what works for you, the seating placement is the key if you are going to invest in a tilt mounting bracket, or one that swings out.

If you don’t have the mount for the TV, or cannot decide whether a tilt mount, or the swivel arm that can give you that freedom of positioning that TV wherever you sit, not to worry we are here to the rescue.

All of our clients are raving about how we surgically conceal those ugly tv wires.

tv installation

Drywall framing around TV to hide the gap between the wall and the flat screen.

ugly wires exposed

Before picture of empty niche.

tv installation with a swivel arm

After picture of concealed wires.

Instead of using duct tape, or that cable channel that is used for commercial uses. Our creative team utilizes the tv brackets in our installations to hide the electrical and HDMI wires, anything less is unforgiveable.

 Do you have any tv cabinets?

corner tv unitMedia CabinetIf you are looking for ideas for a tv wall unit, we got you covered. Fortunately, we have been succesful in finding a corner tv unit for those that dont have enough real estate in your room.

Or a reasonable tv entertainment center that hides all of your electronics, and keeping your wife happy. What more can you ask for?

How about a remote control system that eliminates all the clutter on your coffee table that currently has 6 remote controls. Not to mention the 6 button steps that you have to do each time you want to watch TV. Before we change subject matters, lets continue below to see how we can assist you in mounting your flat screen TV.

What about the hole in my entertainment center of my old rear projection tv?

tv backing for mountTV mounting afterOur TV installation design team specializes in creating a new facade, or backing where we install a tv bracket that pulls out and swivels. This comes in very handy when you know have a niche for 42-inch and you really want an 84-inch in the bedroom. We can pull this off with even a 32-inch opening that was popular for the den.

And can hide the components to create that elegance of form over function. What this really means is, once we are done with our TV mounting services you don’t have to point the remote control directly to each device. The options are limitless.

What about the rest of the wires?

too many wiresSince we are a one stop shopping experience our surgeons can install those pesky rear surround speakers, or give you different options if you are renting, or living in a condo that the ceiling and flooring is concrete. We have a solution that not only fits your budget, but actually works the first time.

So pick up the phone and give us a call today at 1 (858) 764-2648 to schedule a no obligation appointment with one of our courteous ambassadors of goodwill that can guide you to the perfect solution for your tv mounting needs

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